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*Please note, we will not add you to our mailing list automatically when you email us. You can join the mailing list by completing the form at the bottom of our Home Page

Get in touch

If you've any questions, comments, words of encouragement, ideas or feedback, we'd love to hear it! Simply drop us a note in the contact form above and don't worry, we won't add you to our email list. But since we mention it, you can join us HERE or via the sign-up form below.


If you represent a radio show or review website, would like to licence music from Whitelabrecs, wish to distribute our music or would like to discuss any other opportunities for us to consider, please get in touch through the form above.


Demo policy (Physical Releases)

We’ve always been open to receiving demos since we launched Whitelabrecs and we love to work with both new and more established artists. Unfortunately we are not currently accepting demos for our physical releases, as our 2024 schedule is now full. You are still welcome to submit a demo to us and if we like what we hear, there is a small possibility that we may be able to work with you in 2025. However, please do not be offended if we do not reply; we receive so many demos that it is not possible to respond to every one.

Demo policy (Digital Releases)

Our digital series eRecords is accepting demos, for EPs and albums. These will include specially designed PDF scrapbooks, aiming to create a fully engaging audio-visual experience. If you’d be happy for your demo to be released digitally, please get in touch using the form above and let us know that you’re interested in the eRecords series. You can check out some of the latest editions in the series on our Homepage. Please note, as with above, we have a lot of interest in this series and therefore cannot reply to all the demos we receive.

Subscribe and stay tuned

©2024 Whitelabrecs